Visitors' Briefs

LWF World Service Ethiopia welcomes you to read short visitors' briefs prior to coming to Ethiopia.    We thank you for your interest and support!

Visitors' briefs

1. AMHARA Regional cooriantion Officer, Lalibela   (The Lalibela Food Security & Livelihoods projecty, ETH 161 El Nino-induced drought Respons ein Lasta District) 

2. EASTERN ETHIOPIA aREGIONSL COORDINATION OFFICE, Jijiga ( Jijiga Food Security& Livelihoods Project and Emergency WASH project in Fafaan Zone, Somali Regional State ) and the Gursum Food Security Livelihoods project and the Gursum  Women Empowerment Project in Oromia State.

3. AWBARRE AND SHEDER REFUGEE RESPONSE PROJECT ( Water supply and Livelihoods Projects).