LWF Ethiopia refugee response goes back to 1983-87 with the Itang Refugee Resettlement project in Gambella. Since then in collaboration with the Ethiopian Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), LWF Ethiopia has been operating in five refugee camps: Aw-barre and Sheder camps for Somalis refugees in Jijiga since 2007, Buramino camp for Somali refugees in Dolo Ado since 2011, Somali region, in Bambasi camp for Sudanese refugees in Assosa, Benishangul Gumuz region since 2011 and Leitchour/Jewii camps for South Sudanese refugees in Gambella region since 2014. In 2015, LWF Ethiopia reached a total of 142,974 persons of concern through WASH, livelihoods, community-based psycho-social support (CBPS) and environmental protection activities. In 2016, LWF is operation in four refugee camp as it phased out its operation in Buramino refugee camp at the end of 2015.
Ethiopia is the second largest refugee hosting nation in Africa with over 905,831refugees who have sought refuge and protection in the country. Ethiopia maintains an open door policy to refugees and asylum seekers that has proven crucial in this volatile region. In collaboration with the Ethiopian Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), LWF Ethiopia is operating in four refugee camps: Aw-barre and Sheder camps for Somalis refugees in Jijiga since 2007, in Bambasi camp for Sudanese refugees in Assosa, Benishangul Gumuz region since 2011 and Leitchour/Jewii camps for South Sudanese refugees in Gambella region since 2014.
Our Response
LWF Ethiopia is assisting refugees and asylum seekers from Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
LWF Ethiopia refugee response goes back to 1983-87 with the Itang Refugee Resettlement project in Gambella. Since then in collaboration with the Ethiopian Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), LWF Ethiopia has been operating in five refugee camps.
In 2015, LWF Ethiopia reached a total of 142,974 persons of concern through WASH, livelihoods, community-based psycho-social support (CBPS) and environmental protection activities. At the end of 2015, it phased out its operation in Buramino refugee camp.
In 2019, we are active in Awabarre and Sheder camps for Somali refuges in Jijiga, Somali Region, in Bambasi camp for Sudanese refugees in Assosa, Benshangul-Gumuz region and in Jewii refugee camp for South Sudanese refugees in Gambella, providing:
- potable water (Awbare/Sheder, Bambasi and Jewii)
- hygiene and sanitation (Bambasi)
- Livelihoods (Bambasi and Awbarre/Sheder)
- Alternative energey (Bambasi)
- Environmental protection (Bambasi)