Annual Report 2021
The end of the year 2020 was a presage as to how the year 2021 was going to unfold with the eruption of the Tigray conflict in November 2020. The Tigray conflict and its spillover into Amhara and Afar Regional States as well as other crises meant that LWF’s programmatic focus swung sharply to humanitarian response.
LWF operated n five regional states of Amhara, Benishangul Gumuz, Oromia, Somali and Tigray. The total budget for 2021 was EUR 5,915,109 with 3,620,278 recognized in 2021, out of which 70% went to humanitarian response and the remaining 30% to development programming. Most of the funding that LWF was not able to implement was mostly due to humanitarian access issue particularly affecting the Tigray response. In addition, to the spill-over conflict into Amhara Region, LWF’s ongoing development programming, mainly the irrigation schemes under construction in Bugna and Lasta woredas inNorth Wello Zone were suspended due to the conflict situation.
Besides the Northern Ethiopia conflict, Ethiopia was also affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as a devastating desert locust infestation. The COVID-19 pandemic also affected overall income as well as operations however, travel and normal working modalities were restored during much of the year while the locust infestation severally affected livelihoods in the affected regions.
Despite the access challenges LWF Ethiopia reached a total of 313,024 of people through development and humanitarian programming, out of whom 158,570 were women and girl children, representing 48% of the total number of population reached.
Thank you on behalf of the people to all of our partners for your generous supportand for making our work possible.
We look forward to the coming year with hope for a better future and enhanced partnership.