LWF Ethiopia is one of the 25 LWF World Service country programs. The country program has been operational in Ethiopia for over four decades, after establishing its presence in 1971 at the request of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) to alleviate the suffering caused by the severe drought in Ethiopia at the time.

We work with disadvantaged communities in Building Resilience and Sustainable Livelihood, as well as provide humanitarian services in terms of Water supply, Hygiene and Sanitation, Livelihoods, Environmental Protection, and Psycho-Social Support.

LWF Ethiopia is committed to assisting those in the most vulnerable position. We serve all people, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, race, or political conviction.

We are LWF Ethiopia

LWF Ethiopia is one of the 25 LWF World Service country programs. The country program has been operational in Ethiopia for over four decades, after establishing its presence in 1971 at the request of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) to alleviate the suffering caused by the severe drought in Ethiopia at the time.

We work with disadvantaged communities in Building Resilience and Sustainable Livelihood, as well as provide humanitarian services in terms of Water supply, Hygiene and Sanitation, Livelihoods, Environmental Protection, and Psycho-Social Support.

LWF Ethiopia is committed to assisting those in the most vulnerable position. We serve all people, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, race, or political conviction.

Our Vision

People in Ethiopian society meet their priority needs, and improve their quality of life.

Our Mission

Inspired by God’s love to humanity, LWF Ethiopia works together with communities for their empowerment, as agents of their own development, to practice their rights, and to live in harmony with their social and natural environment.

Our Core Values

Dignity and Justice

Compassion and Commitment

Inclusiveness and Participation

Accountability and Transparency

Our Approach

LWF is a Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) certified organization, providing assistance irrespective of ethnicity, sex, religion or nationality and proactively ensuring inclusive and effective participation of traditionally marginalized groups.

The program uses a participatory approach to relief, recovery and development assistance; one that includes target communities at all levels of the project cycle, including program design, implementation, and evaluation. In all its activities the program aims to increase peoples’ capacity and resources to make decisions about their own lives. LWF also uses the “Do No Harm” approach, ensuring that all humanitarian initiatives include both refugee and host communities to mitigate potential conflicts.

LWF Ethiopia seeks to fulfill its operational responsibilities in a way that ensures that its activities are integrated and aligned with national and local development priorities, as well as the wishes of those who benefit from its assistance.

LWF is well-known as a reliable partner in the communities it works with, due to the organization’s strong commitment to community participation, ownership, transparency, accountability, and long-term engagement.


LWF Ethiopia in Numbers

LWF Ethiopia reaches a total of 427,199 refugees and host communities through its development and refugee projects.
LWF Ethiopia implements 29 projects across the country
Ethiopia, the second largest refugee hosting nation in Africa
South Sudanese represent the largest refugee population in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa Head Office

Latitude: 9.039435
Longitude: 38.761623

Gambella Field Office

Latitude: 8.250000
Longitude: 34.580000

Jewii Refugee Camp

Latitude: 8.152795
Longitude: 34.693928

Bambasi Refugee Camp

Latitude: 9.762241
Longitude: 34.728496

Aw-Barre Refugee Camp

Latitude: 9.782663
Longitude: 43.227081

Kebri-Beyah Refugee Camp

Latitude: 9.133103
Longitude: 43.157043

Sheder Refugee Camp

Latitude: 9.691027
Longitude: 43.123310

Buramino Refugee Camp

Latitude: 5.222111
Longitude: 42.179493

Lalibela Food Security Project

Latitude: 12.030899
Longitude: 39.047630

Leitchuor Refugee Camp

Latitude: 8.204236
Longitude: 33.528007

Gursum Food Security and Livelihoods Project

Latitude: 9.351290
Longitude: 42.397732

Abaya Food Security and Livelihoods Project

Latitude: 6.351067
Longitude: 38.293719

Hetosa Value Chain Project

Latitude: 8.133333
Longitude: 39.233333

Meket Food Security Project

Latitude: 11.773715
Longitude: 38.738128

Goro Food Security and Livelihoods Project

Latitude: 6.990279
Longitude: 40.471553

Rayitu Resilience Building Project

Latitude: 7.092552
Longitude: 40.793185